Technical Presentations

Sequences of Concern. Individually and in Pathogens. Some Thoughts.

Gene Godbold, PhD presented at the AI for SynBio Synthesis Screening Workshop 2 in October, 2024.

From Lab to Verdict: The DNA Analyst’s Perspective

Samantha Wandzek, MS co-hosted the workshop, From Lab to Verdict: Navigating the Intersection of Forensic Science, Media, and Legal Decision-Making, at the International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) in September, 2024. The presentation slides from Ms. Wandzek’s portion of the workshop are now available.

Analysis of Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Metatranscriptomes
among Patients with COVID-19 Disease

Joshua Gil, PhD presented at the Tri-Service Microbiome Consortium (TSMC) Annual Meeting in September, 2024

Evaluation of Agnostic RNA Sequencing for Biothreat and Emerging Infectious Disease Detection

Anthony Kappell, PhD presented at the ASM Microbe Conference in June, 2024.

Necessity is the Mother of Innovation

Leslie Parke presented at the 48th Annual symposium of The American Society of
Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) in April, 2024

Examining the Risk Associated with Qualitative Exclusions in Forensic DNA Casework

Samantha Wandzek, MS presented at the 76th Annual conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) in February, 2024

Improved Annotation of Sequences of Concern to Better Understand Biorisk in Engineered Microbes

Gene Godbold, PhD, presented at the 4th Annual Mid-Atlantic Synthetic Biology Symposium in January, 2024.

Screenshot of Scientific Poster

Mining Microbial Sequences of Concern: Using Similarity to Understand Pathogen Risk and Evolution

Signature Science intern David Tyus presented at the ASM Virginia Branch Fall 2023 Meeting conference in November, 2023.

screenshot of YOutube opening slide - Lignting Talk Series

Internal Validation of the QIAGEN ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit

Michelle Peck, MFS presented a live ASCLD FRC lightning talk session in June 2023. The talk highlights her study, which received the FRC Outstanding Evaluation or Validation award. Ms. Peck’s lightning talk begins at timestamp 12:50.

scr4eenshot of scientific poster

Developing Unbiased RNA Sequencing for Biothreat and Emerging Disease Detection

Anthony Kappell, PhD presented at the ASM Microbe conference in June, 2023.

Annotation of Microbial Proteins to Identify Pathogenic Functions

Matthew Scholz, PhD presented at the Sequencing to Function: Analysis and Applications for the Future Meeting in June, 2023.

Development of a Biosecurity Sequence Screening Training Course for Bioengineers

Krista Ternus, PhD presented at the 2023 BioMADE Member Meeting in April, 2023.

Pilot Test Demonstrates Successful Development of Representative, Ready-to-Analyze,
Method-Agnostic Proficiency Test Samples for Cannabis and Hemp Testing Laboratories

Danielle Lenoir presented at the Cannabis Science Conference in April, 2023.

Investigator® 24plex QS Amplification Kit Validation and Evaluation of New Formulation

Investigator® 24plex QS Amplification Kit Validation and Evaluation of New Formulation

Samantha Wandzek, MS presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Conference in February, 2023.

cover slide - My results are unintuitive, now what?

My Results are Unintuitive, Now What?

Alicia Cadenas, MS presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Conference in February, 2023.

screenshot of poster - Evaluation of Demineralization Parameters for DNA Extraction Methods from Skeletal Remains

Evaluation of Demineralization Parameters for DNA Extraction Methods from Skeletal Remains

Jennifer Snedeker, SigSci Summer 2022 Intern, presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Conference in February, 2023.

snip of scientific poster, no visible image or text

Standardizing Functional Annotation of Sequences Involved in Microbial Pathogenesis to Better Understand and Enable Bioinformatic Application

Gene Godbold, PhD presented at the Mid-Atlantic Microbial Pathogenesis Meeting (MAMPM) in February, 2023.

Analysis of Complex Metagenomes with MetScale Workflows

Matthew Scholz, PhD presented at ASM Conference on Rapid Applied Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatic Pipelines in October 2022.

Determination of Validated Kintelligence Thresholds for Application to Forensic Genetic Genealogy

Michelle Peck, M.F.S. presented at ISFG in August 2022.

Evaluating the Impact of Dropout and Genotyping Error on SNP-Based Kinship Analysis with Forensic Samples

Dr. Stephen Turner presented at ISFG in August 2022.

Engineering a New Future for Fingermark Sample Processing

Dr. Curt Hewitt presented at the Green Mountain DNA Conference in July 2022.

Evaluating Unbiased RNA Sequencing for Biothreat and Emerging Disease Detection

Dr. Anthony Kappell presented at the ASM Microbe conference in June 2022.

Biosecurity for Genome Engineering: Safety First and the SeqScreen™ Solution for Functional Predictions

Dr. Krista Ternus and her partners at Rice University presented at the Inscripta® sponsored webinar hosted in March 2022

Post Pandemic laboratory - Balancing the rise of the remote workplace

alicia M cadenas, forensic DNA Analyst,

The Post-Pandemic Laboratory: Balancing the Rise of the Remote Workplace

Presented at the 2022 ASCLD Annual Symposium

Internal Validation of the ForenSeq® Kintelligence Kit for Application to Forensic Genetic Genealogy Cases

Presented at the 2022 AAFS Annual Conference Criminalistics Mixture Deconvolution and Probabilistic Genotyping Scientific Session

An Evaluation of the QIAamplifier® 96 Thermal Cycler

Presented at the 2022 AAFS Annual Conference Criminalistics Forensic Genealogy Poster Session

Loading Artificial Fingerprints Onto Brass Shell Casings for Improved Method Development and Proficiency Testing

Presented at the 2022 AAFS Annual Conference Criminalistics Latent Print Scientific Session

Magnetic Bead Capture of Sperm Cells by Sperm-Specific Antibodies

Presented at the 2022 AAFS Annual Conference Criminalistics Trauma Analysis Poster Session

Title Slide for Presentation: Human Forensic Identification from Fingerprint Touch Samples Using Proteogenomics"

Human Forensic Identification from Fingerprint Touch Samples Using Proteogenomics

Presented at the 2021 ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics in the Forensics Innovations and Applications session

Developmental Validation of the Illumina Infinium Assay …

Presented at the International Symposium on Human Identification (ISHI) Conference in 2021 and at the 2022 AAFS Annual Conference Criminalistics Forensic Genealogy Poster Session

Unlocking Dependable Forensic Results from Shell Casings

Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Meeting in 2021

A Characterization of Artificial Fingerprinting Samples

Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Meeting in 2021

Evaluation of Degraded Human DNA Samples Using the …

Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Meeting in 2021

Optimizing Sensitivity and Validating the Illumina Infinium Assay for …

Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Annual Meeting in 2020