Vendor Support Center

Signature Science is pleased to welcome our approved vendors, suppliers, subcontractors, and consultants to our Vendor Support Center, a dedicated set of web pages with important information about our policies and requirements. As an approved vendor, your firm provides vital assistance to us in meeting our corporate mission of providing innovative solutions for homeland security.

All new vendors should receive a welcome package from their assigned procurement specialist, with our business and credit information and our terms and conditions of purchase. Please Contact Us if you did not receive this information.

As Signature Science is primarily a prime contractor for the U.S. Government, we are subject to certain regulations with which other firms may not be required to comply. In order for your relationship with us as an approved vendor to continue, please complete and return the Representations and Certifications form provided in the new vendor package as soon as possible; failure to return the form may result in suspension from our approved vendor list.

I invite you to explore the sections listed to the right, which will provide you with important information regarding our Ethics and Payment policies. Information on current Solicitations is also available. We extend a special welcome to our new small business vendors with details for small businesses available as well.

On behalf of all of our employees, thank you for your assistance in helping Signature Science continue to be one of the industry leaders in homeland security. We look forward to working with you.

Daniel A. Hamilton, C.P.M., CPCM
Manager, Contracts & Procurement Group

All purchases made by Signature Science, LLC are governed by the Conditions of Purchase in effect as of the date of purchase unless otherwise explicitly agreed to in writing by an authorized representative.

Click here to access the current and all prior versions of the Conditions of Purchase.